Your Home

We know that your home is more than just a roof over your families head. Its a place where memories are created. At AMD Power Solutions we know what it takes the turn your idea into reality, whether its a new power point, a complete down light fit out or renovation we can help you achieve that perfect look for your domestic dwelling we should be your number 1 choice.


Check out what we can do for you home…

  • Range Hoods
  • Sheds
  • Bore Pumps and Reticulation
  • Controllers
  • Generator change over
  • Switches
  • TV point and antennas
  • TV wall mountaing
  • Data and phone points
  • Oven and hot plate install/repalacement
  • RCD and smoke alarm install/replacement
  • Evaporative Air Conditioning Servicing
  • Electrical gates
  • Ceiling Fans
  • Consumer Poles and Site Power
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